Seller FAQs & Tips
What items do you accept?
Please consult our Seller Tagging Guidelines for a full list and suggestions for successful tagging or click here to see our list of accepted and unaccepted items. If you have any questions about a specific item, please do not hesitate to email us at
When can I start and stop tagging?
You may begin tagging as soon as your registration is complete. You may enter tags up to the tagging deadline, typically the Sunday night (at 11:59pm) prior to the sale.
You may print tags – one unique tag per item only – anytime up to drop-off.
(REMEMBER: Print tags that are DONATE NO on LIGHT GREEN PAPER. Unsold items with white tags will be donated at the end of the sale. Print tags for items that are DONATE YES on WHITE PAPER.) For additional tagging guidelines, please click here.
Is there a limit to the number of items that we can enter for the sale?
There is a limit of 2,000 items per seller.
Is there a limit to the number of baby clothes that we can enter for the sale?
Only within the limitation of 2,000 items per seller.
Can I make copies of tags if I run out of time that have the same item number?
No, each item must have a unique code. We cannot sell a second item with a duplicate code.
Do I have to print tags on light green paper to receive my items back?
YES! During sorting after the sale, green tags are a quick way for us to spot items that the seller would like returned. We cannot guarantee the return of any unsold item that has a white tag.
Will you still accept items for donation?
Yes. We will accept items for donation Sunday, September 26 from 1:30-3:30pm. Anyone who donates items will receive a Preview Night Pass. Additionally, sellers can also donate any unsold items by selecting Donate YES when tagging in MYCM.
Is there a minimum number of items that must be sold in order to receive a Presale access code?
No, all sellers and donors will receive a Presale access code regardless of the number of items sold or donated.
I have my tags printed for a different sale, and I don’t want to print them. Do I need to retag my items?
No, but if there are problems scanning the item due to the tag, the item will not be sold. You may assume that the item you tagged from a previous sale with a different organization will work for our sale. However, we have no guarantees that it will work, and if we cannot scan or key it, the item will be returned to you. We suggest that when in doubt, you retag your items. If you have placed an item in multiple sales, please check to be sure the bar code is still in good, scannable condition. We also will only accept tags from MyConsignmentManager and dated 2017 or newer.
Do I need to hang clothing that has sold on wire hangers before bringing them to Seller Drop-Off? ?
Yes, all clothing items must be on wire hangers. When hanging, the hook of the hanger must open to the left when looking at the front of the item.
Can we use a retail clothing tagger to attach the barcode tag?
Yes, but only if the tag is securely attached. We must have a tag for each sold item in order to deliver it to the buyer.
How should I package crib bedding? Should it be placed in a bag of some sort?
Some people just roll the bumpers up, tape around them, and pin the tag on. Others put it in a jumbo Ziploc bag. If you are planning on using a bag, place the tag inside the bag in a visible location and tape the bag sealed after it is zipped. If you are not using a bag, pin the tag to the bedding and then tape over the pin. Please be sure to secure tags well. We must have a tag for an item in order to deliver it to the buyer.
How old can my car seat be to be accepted into the sale?
We require that every car seat have at least one year remaining before it expires. For the Fall 2021 sale, this means that standard car seats will need to expire after October 2022 to be in the sale or have been manufactured after October 2017.
Do you accept children’s room furniture or décor?
Yes, we accept high quality children’s furniture and room décor. Please make sure all pieces, including screws, nuts, and bolts are included. If your item has multiple pieces, please label them clearly (1/4, 2/4, etc) so that buyers will be sure to leave with all pieces. We do not accept cribs.
I registered as a seller but will not be able to participate. Will I be able to register in the next sale?
If you can’t sell and are signed up, please let us know as soon as possible. This way we can offer your spot to another person on the waiting list. Your registration fee will not be returned. You can definitely try to sign up for the next sale. Tip: If you already entered items into MyConsignmentManager and even tagged them but are unable to sell or drop off items, please consider holding onto all that hard work until the next sale! You will be able to transfer those items to the next sale and save time in the future.
What COVID-19 precautions will you be taking?
As the Sale approaches, we will consult with CDC and Glenn Church guidelines on how to proceed with safety measures.
Last Updated: August 2021
Tagging Tips for Sellers
Make sure your items and their tags stay together: Securely attach a tag to each item and seal every box to make sure that items do not fall out. This ensures that items are not separated from their tags. Each sold item must have a tag for it to reach the buyer.
Save time and frustration by closely following our tagging guidelines: Clothing items should have tags visibly and securely attached, and be neatly folded and stacked for Seller Drop-Off. Clothing sold as a set or lot should be packaged accordingly, with one printed tag. Accessories, baby items, and toys may be placed in Ziploc bags or appropriately packaged with visible tags. Shoes may be zip-tied together or placed in Ziploc bags with tags taped to the sole or inside one of the shoes. This year, the use of Ziploc bags is not required. However, please make sure that all pieces are secured together.
Make sure your items are dressed to impress for their photoshoot: Double check clothing to ensure it is clean, ironed, and free of blemishes. Clean the dirt off the soles of shoes and tie the laces neatly. Arrange baby gear and toy parts to show everything included. Photograph in a neat space with good lighting so that buyers can see the condition and details of items clearly.
Make a 2-3 picture collage: For items with multiple pieces or needing various angles shown, use the Layout app to create a collage in portrait orientation. For MyCM and Shopify, the collage must be limited to 2-3 pictures.
Print tags for sold items throughout the sale days: To shorten the work at the very end of the sale, consider printing tags for any items that sold at the end of each sale day. That way you can tag sold items throughout the sale rather than having to do all the work once the online sale has concluded.
Add details to help sell: List what all is included if not easily visible. Notate if the item was never worn or keep the original tag on if available! List details that may help buyers find your item when performing a search on our website. For example, listing “Dr. Seuss Cat In the Hat Hardcover” on a tag provides more information than simply “Hardcover Fiction” or “Book”.
Puzzles, Games, & Toys can be tricky: For chunky puzzles, try to avoid taping the pieces down as the adhesive can wreck those cute pictures. Instead, see if the puzzle will fit in a ziplock bag you can tape. If the puzzle is too big to bag, wrap the puzzle in cling wrap a few times and tape the tag to the bag/cling wrap of the wrapped puzzle. For items with multiple pieces, please be sure that all pieces are present and even consider writing that all parts are included. For toys like a large kitchen with play food, consider putting the food in a ziplock and then firmly securing the ziplock to the kitchen with tape, a zip tie, or other mechanism that shows everything is sold as one unit. Also, write something like “kitchen and play food” on the tag so buyers understand that it’s a 2-for-1 deal!
Books and Painters Tape make a good pair: Sometimes clear packing tape can ruin the covers of books. Therefore, we like to suggest using painters tape to secure tags to books. It is up to the seller’s discretion what will best maintain the integrity of the book but secure the tag appropriately.
Arrange sold items for drop off based on item number: Item numbers can be found on the MyCM site as well as on the printed tags. Putting items in numerical order will better help us scan your items and allow for a more efficient seller drop-off.
Still have questions? Just send us an email at or post on our Facebook page.
LAST UPDATED August 2021
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